I’m sure you all know about the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. The Hare got prideful and quick in his response, “I will win the race, because I’m faster than the tortoise.” The turtle’s wisdom was his “slow to speak” actions. He let the Hare run in its pride. He let the hare fumble in its self-destruction. The hare lost, because he tired quickly. His prideful energy drained his hops. Thus, the tortoise won the race at a peaceful pace.
Anger has the same premise. When you are quick to respond with hostility, you will lose the peaceful race. Anger will drain you and you will not sustain a life of steadiness.
Keep a pace of serenity slowness. Keep a pace of harmonious hops. Anger will not be your last finishing stop.
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. - James 1:19
I love this! Anger steals our peace.