I’ve read many worldly thoughts about men and women lately, and I’m going to write truth...we are not the same in thinking, physicality, and emotions. We will never be, but that’s okay. God made us in different formats, So we can be formatted together perfectly.
We each have our own uniqueness, which brings a unified balance to relationships.
Men and women express emotions and grieve differently, but that’s okay.
In 2008 I lost my dad to Cancer. After his passing, my mom and I talked about the memory of my dad. We cried amongst the days. My brother expressed his grief in a different way. He did not mention my dad for a few years, until he could cope with his mourning. He cried amidst the nights where darkness could hide his tears.
My mom didn’t push my brother into a realm of emotion he did not inherit. She waited patiently for him to “come into the sunlight”.
The emotions of men are stately subtle. They firmly stand, watching sorrows, with dewed eyes.
Women are not as physically as strong as men, but that’s okay.
God blessed men with not only upper body strength, but leadership physique.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman the man; and the head of Christ God. - 1 Corinthians 11:3
Men are called to protect their families from harm and cover them with sound assurance.
My dad used to tell my mom, “If it’s not okay, I’ll make it okay.”
Women are blessed with other qualities that grace strength with nobility and that’s okay.
God has sinewed within us different “tenacity muscles” to withstand labor pains, family grievances, and supernatural multitasking.
Our physical strengths are picking up our children to comfort them, bending down to kiss a scraped knee, hugging our husbands to elaborate our love, and bending over a keyboard to write about life.
As Jesus died on the cross, Mary watched her son take his last breath. She beheld his pain in her heart.
God gave her the bravery to bear Jesus in a manger, and then bestowed a noble courage to watch Him die.
God has filled our scales with variations of strengths and weaknesses. Each plate has been added with individual qualities that balance the relationship scale perfectly. At the middle of the gamut, our differences meld, perfecting each weight, and that’s perfectly okay.
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