Hey guys! Hope you’re having an amazing day today! Don’t forget to pray and put God first.
This was on my mind this morning...
I joined a Christian wives group on Facebook about a month ago. I noticed numerous postings from wives stating that date nights are basically non-existent. Busyness, tiredness, and other excuses blotted the group with a gloomy gray pen.
My mind triggered...alert, alert, alert!
I was astounded by the statistical confessions of the “no-date” rate. Don’t fall into the mundane practical pit. No! Find that notch of time before the boring ballpoint scribbles over passion.
Yes, I know...You have children. That feeble perception wavers widely. I’m not going to sugarcoat the ugliness sitting in the corner...you let life become a tyrant that needs to be belittled.
I cannot express it enough...pencil in time to be one-on-one with your spouse. Channel his or her mind, and equate each other as lovers and a charmed couple again.
My godly, passionate example...my mom and dad. When my brother and I were younger, they circled a certain day on the calendar, found a babysitter, and galavanted off into the romantic night. They tamed tenacious time. Their busy hearts, they always did find.
Dates do not have to entail expensive delights. They can be togetherness under fluorescent moonlight.
Conjure sweet soul communication and separation of souls will never be a pitiful plight.
So, my married couples, young and old, establish dire dates. Because, communication and rejuvenation are inherited by the years to come.
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