I’m laying in my bed with a migraine as I write this blogpost. Life is unfair you say? Let me shout the truth...it definitely is! Life will always tamper with your mind, soul, and heart. My dad always said, “fair? Life will always be unfair.” Life is taught and tough. Life is a Redwood log and you are the horse pulling it up the side of Mount Unfairness. But, do you know who is fair? God.
God bears fairness. Yes, I’m in pain and feel sick, but I will heal. That’s the fairness, the promise God christens upon us. I may lay here in a dark room, but I know light will shine in our apartment once again. There is always a good outcome amidst kingdom come.
Fairness may find us on this earth or we may feel its warmth in heaven. When my dad’s cancer spread, we laid hands upon him and prayed. We saw Gods grace light upon him like a Monarch butterfly. Even though, he lost the battle, he won the fair war. He won the ultimate prize. He attained the fairest of the fair outcome, Heaven.
God sits on the chair of fair. He sits on the throne of grace. We do not have to chase his fairness with haste. God sets fair chairs for you at His merciful table. Life will give you plenty of unfair prickle pears. Sit at God’s table and He will offer you food of strength and endurance.
Instead of moaning and groaning up the mountainside, rejoice! Dig in your hooves and experience God’s fairness. The weight of the log will lessen, if you keep pressing.
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