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This may be Controversial...but stay at Home to Heal!

Well, here it goes…my first controversial article.  As I’m sitting here writing this piece, I am watching a Hallmark movie, so don’t forget I do have a soft heart.  The Hallmark Channel and Facebook make you think of hundreds of ideas to write about.  This post will be much different from my usual articles about love and family memories.  Lately, I’ve seen so many Facebook posts about illnesses.  No, I’m not talking about diseases or life-threatening sicknesses, but your usual colds and flus.  It’s the time of the year of not only holiday fun, but sniffles and sneezes.  Santa will come with goodies and maybe some typical coughs and congestion.  If you do unwrap some of these unpleasant presents, don’t be alarmed and light up like Rudolph’s nose!  Stay calm, sit by the roaring fire and sip some tea.  Stay home to heal!

I’ve come across Facebook post after Facebook post… “going to the hospital, I’m coughing and have a stuffy nose” or “I need to take my child to the emergency room, they may have the flu”.  I lived during a time, not so long ago, the early 90’s to be exact, where my mom would keep me home when I was sick.  She would doctor me up with chicken soup, crackers, and coke or sometimes Vernor’s.  All Michiganders would understand the Vernor’s healing concept. She would also prescribe Tylenol, ibuprofen, and bed rest.  My mom was not only the doctor, but the around-the-clock nurse as well.  Her nursing duties included trips to “Family Video”.  Yes, the actual video store, to rent movies.  Remember, this is during the neon 90’s of Lisa Frank and TY Beanie Babies.  The rentals were all horse related (Rainbow Brite, The Last Unicorn, The Black Stallion, Black Beauty, I could keep going).  I loved horses, unicorns, ponies, anything that galloped and neighed, and I still do.  My mom knew with a little medicine and a little encouragement from the horse movies, my body would heal on its own.     

My mom’s instincts bubbled like the carbonation in my coke.  She knew if it was a “take them to the doctor” or “stay at home” offense.  It was usually a “stay at home” offense.  She mastered the reducing fever technique.  Once the fever broke, I was on my way to recovery.  So, when I see Facebook post after Facebook post about “going to the doctor”, I think to myself, why?  Why are you putting your weak immune system in a predicament?  When you go to the hospital, filled with germs, you are putting your body in a situation to get worse or relapse.  The doctor will administer the same precept that your own mom would.  Stop going to the doctor for every little inkling of “Oh, I must be getting sick”.  Not only is this making our health insurance more expensive, but it is also bad for your health.  If everyone would doctor themselves at home, like mama used to, health insurance would be more affordable.  Stop using the system for little coughs, sneezes, sniffles, and a tinge of tingles. 

A new generation has come that I’m concerned with…hypochondria and weakness.  A cough escalates to the flu within a matter of seconds.  When I think of the flu, I think of all the cruel side effects…aches, pains, vomiting, fever, etc.  Yes, I know there is different strains of influenza.  I associate my version of the flu with “over the toilet and throwing up” status.  Even though, my virus was “throwing up” status, my mom kept me home and became my in-home doctor.  There was no one better for the job.  The popsicle remedy worked wonders for my nauseated stomach.  We weren’t carted off to the hospital to get pumped up with shots or given antibiotics.  Give your body a chance to fight on its own, like God intended.  So, it is possible to get well at home.  Watch a Hallmark movie, like I am right now, drink some tea, eat some crackers, and you’ll be better in no time.  Stay at home to heal!                     


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