Death, an unknown, mysterious part of life. Some fear the thought, some cringe at the name. How do we get past the fear? How do we get to know the unknown? I have the simple answer. Be brave, accept God. Get acquainted with Jesus, have a relationship with Him. Then, death will be just the beginning to something spectacular. We are just crossing over into our eternal home, heaven. We are racing like thoroughbreds on the racetrack of life. Our prize, heaven. Heaven, our home, awaiting all who want to enter. Filled with Mansions and noble castles. Roads made of yellow gold. Walls encrusted with precious rubies, diamonds, and gems. God, the king, the ruler of this world. Thus, death is nothing to fear. Approach your day of death with confidence. Be victorious, conquer death with a smile. Do ...

The title “Poems from the Heart” is dedicated to my dad. He will always be my inspiration when I write. When I was younger, my dad wanted me to publish a book filled with my poetry. Even though, I don’t have a bound book of my poetry, I still wanted to use the title in a honoring way. So, I’ve created this blog to “touch hearts” with some of my poetry, memories, love, and faith. I hope my audience enjoys the eclectic variety!