Well, I just dropped off our last rent check. The last check signed and dated “the next adventure awaits”. The last check signifying another daisy stem added to the marriage bouquet. As the years dew drop by, each chime vines and intertwines around a marriage. New nuances and friendly nostalgic moments add ponder peonies, romantic roses, and baby’s breath to the marriage bouquet. We are adding a “new home” hydrangea to the Baudoin vase. The years truly sway like wildflowers free amongst a peaceful pasture. But, those moments are picked and placed upon a grainy table, engraining love that lasts and clasps generations. Our marriage has blossomed with beautiful blooms every year, every moon. Place a vase on your timeline table and fill it with memory magnolia stems. Watch your bouquet sow and grow.

The title “Poems from the Heart” is dedicated to my dad. He will always be my inspiration when I write. When I was younger, my dad wanted me to publish a book filled with my poetry. Even though, I don’t have a bound book of my poetry, I still wanted to use the title in a honoring way. So, I’ve created this blog to “touch hearts” with some of my poetry, memories, love, and faith. I hope my audience enjoys the eclectic variety!