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Look for the Blessing Red Birds, Cherry Blossoms, and Orchids of Beauty in Life

March has marched in with a vengeance of change. In the Trojan horse saddlebags hid a shrewd surprise, Coronavirus. The gray clouds of uncertainty pelted us with “riddle me this” rain. The Trojan horse then galloped over valleys of vividness. Alas, the vivid vex was prevalent over states and pastures. The virus staked our soil with transforming turmoil. Ah, but that riddle rain also brought with it growth of cherry blossoms. They grew tall and strong amidst wrestling weeds of “where’s the joy?”


I was covered by those cheerful cherry blossom trees last weekend. My Birthday was March 16th. I must admit, I felt as if one of my unwanted presents was the looming virus. I sensed a thick foreign fog. But, my husband, my Superman, saved my “Birthday”. He pulled me from the dense fog and flew me around our “Metropolis”. We shopped, reminisced, ate cheesecake, and laughed with merriment. It’s as if he set me upon a marriage merry-go-round. Round-and-round we go, on love embellished horses.


He then flew me to my favorite restaurant, Cristiano’s. We sat down underneath the blue sky that was stitched with white clouds. An umbrella and string lights cascaded over us. Magenta pink and Winter white Orchids ordained a beauty treaty over the courtyard. I sat across from my husband and his glowing green eyes of gentleness. The gentle grace breezed over the patio. While we ate, our wedding song filtered through the speakers outside… “I found a love for me, Darling just dive right in and follow my lead, well I found a girl beautiful and sweet.” (Perfect by Ed Sheeran) My husband scooted out of his chair and took my hand to dance. We sauntered and swayed as tears dewed upon my cheeks. My husband told me, “We will get through this together.”


Ok, now I’m crying writing this post. Everyone, please find your blessings during this time. Give thanksgiving to God for His adornment of mercy. He has clothed us in a peace that surpasses all understanding during trials. That peace…Jesus. Rest in Him and the blessing blossoms will float upon your heart…your children, husband, wife, family, and friends. Don’t bicker about your husband or wife while in quarantine. Be thankful he still glances at you with adoration. Don’t complain about your sprightly children. Be grateful they are healthy to climb and explore imaginative lands.


We sat back down with the calmness of God. I peeked through the canopy of umbrellas. I saw a red bird light on a limb. The crimson red diluted the aquamarine background. When you peer through the trials, you will always see God perched in your life. The smallest glimpse will bring forth Cardinals of blessings.


So, journey out and look for the joyous red birds.


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