Since the quarantine quarter has flipped upon “stay at home” heads, my husband and I have been on many “walk-abouts” throughout the Outback of Houma and Thibodaux. . We’ve walked, trekked, and hiked throughout trails of Godly love. We have bonded under Live Oak glimmer leaves and white-bloom Magnolia trees. We’ve chatted while Mocking birds added to the tea delight conversation. Woodpeckers clanked as souls planked o’er streets of deep heart beats. . If you want to reconnect with your spouse, take an engaging walk. Make sure to leave all distractions behind, especially your phone. Place all pettiness at home, and find your home in your soulmate’s heart-emblem eyes once again. . Want to Spruce up your kinship to the hearts? Put on some comfortable clothes and stable tennis shoes and stabilize the marriage banks. Stroll under Blue Spruces and watch your husband pick a delicate love note. . The effect of walking reciprocates joyful tendencies. . Pace yourself...

The title “Poems from the Heart” is dedicated to my dad. He will always be my inspiration when I write. When I was younger, my dad wanted me to publish a book filled with my poetry. Even though, I don’t have a bound book of my poetry, I still wanted to use the title in a honoring way. So, I’ve created this blog to “touch hearts” with some of my poetry, memories, love, and faith. I hope my audience enjoys the eclectic variety!