We all wonder, where is my life going? Will I set sail on the Atlantic to “Success” shore? Will I dock in “Love’s” harbor? Will my life be full of glistening “memory” sand? Only God’s timing knows. One of my favorite songs is “Only Time” by Enya. If you listen to the lyrics, truth fleets on the notes to the ear. Only God’s given minutes will tell you what rope bridges to cross. Only God knows what “moment” stones we will skip. Ripple, ripple, what will be the effect? Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 For me, I’ve been wanting to dab the ripple effect of love, the effect of brooding butterflies in the core of my stomach. I want that aching, yearning feeling for someone’s soul. I’ve been on dates and was in one true relationship, but nothing has left me with that lingering “I need you” feeling. I have loved on the surface and to an ex...

The title “Poems from the Heart” is dedicated to my dad. He will always be my inspiration when I write. When I was younger, my dad wanted me to publish a book filled with my poetry. Even though, I don’t have a bound book of my poetry, I still wanted to use the title in a honoring way. So, I’ve created this blog to “touch hearts” with some of my poetry, memories, love, and faith. I hope my audience enjoys the eclectic variety!