Coffee Crazed! There are many people in this world that are coffee fanatics. I, Brandy Michelle O’Banion, am one of those crazed ‘I need joe’ people! It all started with that coffee bean smell in the morning air. It was enticing and invigorating. It captured me and wouldn’t let me go. It had a hold on me, like a bridle on a chestnut mare. So, I decided to take a sip from my dad’s mug one sunshine morn. He drank his coffee straight black. The taste slid down my throat. I thought, “How do you drink this blackened liquid?” Little did I know, I would get roped, like a spotted calf! Coffee grows on you day by day. 1 cup, 2 cups, 3 cups, 4! As I get older, the more I enjoy and need this sly drink. It crept in and now coaches my adult life. Pour, add creamer, drink, and repeat! I look forward to the sleepy dawns, just to grab a coffee cup and pour ‘hello beautiful’! ...

The title “Poems from the Heart” is dedicated to my dad. He will always be my inspiration when I write. When I was younger, my dad wanted me to publish a book filled with my poetry. Even though, I don’t have a bound book of my poetry, I still wanted to use the title in a honoring way. So, I’ve created this blog to “touch hearts” with some of my poetry, memories, love, and faith. I hope my audience enjoys the eclectic variety!